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Praying the Bible Together
This is a book to help us pray the Word together before a real God. It’s intended to make our prayers sing the melody of Scripture. Our modern world constantly sits in ambush against prayer, pushing it out of our lives, distracting us with pettiness and cisterns that hold no water. Praying the Bible Together is designed to help us fight to do what is at once one of the simplest and most magnificent acts that anyone can perform on earth or in heaven. The Bible is our faithful guide to a life of deep, soul-satisfying communion with our Father. Use this book to pray at home with the family, with your spouse, with your small group, with your church; wherever believers are gathered together, this book can enrich their time praying together on any occasion. Rather than a book about prayer, this book is simply a book of prayers that use God’s own words and not our own.
As Tim Keller writes: “Our prayers should arise out of immersion in the Scripture. We should ‘plunge ourselves into the sea’ of God’s language, the Bible. We should listen, study, think, reflect, and ponder the Scriptures until there is an answering response in our hearts and minds. It may be one of shame or of joy or of confusion or of appeal— but that response to God’s speech is then truly prayer and should be given to God.”
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Cristina of Aspen Aisle
One day, Will Millhouse, an ordinary, lonesome bachelor, encounters a young girl who claims to be his daughter from the future. Should he believe her? Cristina of Aspen Aisle is a mystery, a frontier adventure, and a love story that reminds us of the echoing beauty and joy all around us, if we are willing to see with new eyes.
“It’s exactly the kind of book I would love to read but is impossible to find. I suppose I feel…giddy, agape, aglow, awakened to fresh awareness ‘that I too am a man in love.’ It has all the freshness of a first novel but none of the flaws. I’m in awe of the mastery of plot, suspense, timing, tone: all such delicate matters yet handled with perfect pitch. Case has really learned well from L.M. Montgomery, and indeed improved upon her in that his writing is so brilliantly and unabashedly God-struck. And the clarity of the prose: all the way through there’s nary a misstep in sentence structure, rhythm, dialogue, etc. The writing never gets in the way of itself, and this alone is no small feat.”
—MIKE MASON | Best-selling author of The Mystery of Marriage and 21 Candles
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Evangeline of Sky Valley
Following the events of Cristina of Aspen Aisle, Will and Evangeline find themselves enraptured by persistent beauty they never dreamed of, and facing challenges beyond their strength. Evangeline of Sky Valley is a story of exuberant joys, laughter, loss, doubt, and the hidden glory of life in the midst of ashes.
“Kahlil Gibran wrote, ‘What is it to work with love? It is to weave cloth with threads drawn from your heart, even as if your beloved were to wear that cloth.’ This is the quality that I find in this writing. Case weaves together words in a cloth fit to be worn by our King. Imagine the biblical Song of Songs written as a contemporary novel. If that notion appeals to you, you’ll love this book. Ebullient, scintillating, tintinnabulous—what words could possibly describe the crackling freshness of language and the chaste, holy feelings unleashed in this book? Hardly ever in a work of fiction—or even nonfiction—will you read a truer, purer, more uplifting account of love and marriage as God intended it than in Evangeline of Sky Valley.”
—MIKE MASON | Best-selling author of The Mystery of Marriage and Champagne for the Soul
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Pronouncing and Translating the Divine Name: History and Practice
Why and how did we lose God’s personal name? Is it important? What does God think about us always calling him by a title or substitute like LORD? Can we accurately recover the exact pronunciation of the tetragrammaton in the way it sounded in the days of Moses? What are we to make of the Sacred Name Movement? Why did the New Testament authors use kurios (Lord) to refer to God? How seriously should we take Exodus 3:15 in this whole discussion? And how has God’s personal name as revealed to Moses been rendered and perceived throughout history? Should we never pronounce God’s name out of reverence, or is there biblical evidence to the contrary?
Andrew Case provides an exhaustive discussion of these issues and more, considering implications for Bible translation and beyond. Overall, he sets out to answer two primary questions throughout the book:
- Would it be better for translations of the Hebrew Bible to use some approximation of Yahweh, or a title like “the Lord”?
- When teaching and reading Hebrew today outside of Israel, would it be better to pronounce his name as some approximation like Yahweh, or say adonai (Lord)?
Read or download here.
The Story of the Septuagint: The first translation of the Bible
With the look and feel of an ancient manuscript, The Story of the Septuagint transports young readers to the world that led to the first and most significant translation of the Bible in history. This book will introduce children to the wonder of the Bible, and to a small vignette in the history of its transmission throughout the ages. Even more, it helps us think about how the text of Scripture was handed down to us, and what a privilege it is to have a Bible in a language we understand. Join others in discovering more about this Greek translation of the Bible that the Apostle Paul and early church fathers used, which was viewed by many of that day as the KJV is revered today.
“Young children today are able to memorize the names of all the early dinosaurs and the language of hi-tech. Why not teach them about one of the greatest humanist and spiritual achievements in the history of the world? As a Septuagint scholar and lover of children, I highly recommend this little book.”
—Peter J. Gentry | PhD, University of Toronto
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Praying the Light
A practical prayer book designed to help you pray the Word of God for your own life.
“Children learn to speak by repeating the words they hear from their parents. Similarly, we learn to pray by speaking God’s words back to him. In the spirit of Matthew Henry’s Method for Prayer, Andrew Case helps God’s children by putting the Scriptures on their lips as prayers to our Father.”
—Dr. Joel R. Beeke | Author of Taking Hold of God: Reformed and Puritan Perspectives on Prayer | President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids
“Many talk about the value of prayer, but few do it—it’s a hidden work, not showy, seemingly not productive. Andrew Case’s book Praying the Light helps. Case’s thoroughly biblical prayers give you a ‘track’ to run on—they give shape to your prayers.”
—Paul Miller | Author of A Praying Life
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Water of the Word
A practical prayer-book designed to help husbands intercede for their wives consistently and biblically.
“More than a guidebook, it is rather a springboard to a deepening love relationship with God and with one’s wife. A book to savor, reflect on, and then offer prayers from a pure heart and clear conscience.”
-WILLIAM R. CUTRER M.D. | Gheens Professor of Christian Ministry, SBTS | Author of Sexual Intimacy in Marriage
“Andrew Case has provided an ingenious and glorious tool for Christian husbands, one that has the potential of binding husbands and wives ever closer together while these prayers seek more intimate relationship between their wives and their God. By employing themes, principles, promises, and pleas from Scripture itself, Case has crafted hundreds of rich and meaningful prayers that any and every Christian husband can pray for his own wife.”
-BRUCE A. WARE | Professor of Christian Theology
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
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UK Hardcopy | 10 of Those |
Prayers of an Excellent Wife
A practical prayer-book designed to help wives intercede for their husbands consistently and biblically.
“God sees when women kneel in prayer for their husbands, and Prayers of an Excellent Wife provides the reader with all the scriptural principles and language needed to cover a man with powerful intercession—prayers so effective, they’ll resonate throughout his life.”
-JONI EARECKSON TADA | Joni and Friends International Disability Center
“Prayers of An Excellent Wife provides a template that if used properly will indeed produce excellent wives who faithfully and passionately pray God’s word for their precious husbands.”
-MARY K. MOHLER | Wife of R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
Director of Seminary Wives Institute, SBTS
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UK Hardcopy | 10 of Those |
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Setting Their Hope in GOD
A practical prayer-book designed to help parents intercede for their children consistently and biblically.
“This book, drawn mostly right from Holy Scripture, can be a spur to your family to get off the couch and away from the television and on your knees praying for the salvation and welfare of your children.”
-RUSSEL D. MOORE | Author of Adopted for Life | Senior Vice President | The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Andrew Case has provided parents with a powerful tool: the Word of God turned to prayer–specifically for their children…. this book will encourage, inspire, and strengthen anyone who wants to learn to grow in dependence on God, or–in other words–prayer.”
-SALLY LLOYD-JONES | Bestselling author of The Jesus Storybook Bible
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Oraciones de una mujer virtuosa
Un libro de oraciones prácticas diseñado para que esposas oren la palabra de Dios por sus esposos.
“De todas las cosas que una mujer puede hacer por su marido, de todas las muchas maneras en que puede mostrar su apoyo, nada supera las oraciones que ofrece delante del trono. Y es la mujer sabia que, cuando ora, reconoce cómo su matrimonio, incluso su propia vida, se refuerza y profundiza. Dios ve cuando las mujeres se arrodillan en oración por sus maridos, y Oraciones de una mujer virtuosa provee al lector todos los principios de las Escrituras y el lenguaje necesarios para cubrir a un hombre con intercesión potente; oraciónes tan eficaces, resonarán a lo largo de su vida.”
-JONI EARECKSON TADA | Autor de El cielo, Agradecidos en medio del dolor, y Joni Joni and Friends Centro Internacional de la Discapacidad
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Agua de la palabra
Un libro de oraciones prácticas diseñado para que esposos oren la palabra de Dios por sus esposas.
“Bendita es la esposa cuyo marido ofrece por ella oraciones como las de este libro. Bienaventurado el hombre que siguiendo el ejemplo de Case ora por ella, porque aprende a orar a través de un pasaje de las Escrituras para cualquier cosa, no sólo para los asuntos relacionados a su esposa.”
-DONALD S. WHITNEY | Autor de Disciplinas espirituales para la vida cristiana
“Andrew Case ha proporcionado para los esposos cristianos una herramienta ingeniosa y gloriosa.”
-BRUCE A. WARE | Profesor de Teología Cristiana | El Seminario Teológico Bautista del Sur | Autor de La mayor gloria de Dios
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These books are freely given as public domain. They exist to edify the Church, spread and deepen a passion for Scripture, and adorn the gospel. The physical books are sold at cost and do not make any profit. To learn more about this policy, please visit sellingJesus.org. It is our joy and delight to give freely what has been freely given to us (Matthew 10:8). We never want to make cost “an obstacle in the way of the gospel of Christ” (I Corinthians 9:12). So if you’d like a physical copy of a book, but your limited cash-flow prevents it, just contact us and it will be our pleasure to fill your request. The digital copies are free to distribute, edit, and translate into other languages without permission.