Welcome to Betheden Ministries, the non-profit behind the global Hebrew outreach Aleph with Beth! To continue to Aleph with Beth, please click the banner below. We’re looking forward to meeting you, and helping you experience the joy of Hebrew! Our purpose is to help see the whole Bible in every language, and the global Church equipped for growth and maturity.

Core Values
- Pursuit of Joy — All of life should be lived, not out of fear, but as a pursuit of joy in God.
- Partnership — Because Scripture teaches that we are part of a larger Body, we seek to work with others through strategic, genuine relationships.
- Eagerness to Learn — We want to innovate with excellence, which requires continuous curiosity and study.
- Humility — Our hope is to serve the global Church, which requires the humility to put them first, listen to their needs, understand them well, and provide them with the best we can offer by God’s grace.
- Freely Giving — Because we have received everything from God as a gift, we are committed to making all of our content free and open-access to everyone, and encouraging others to do the same.
- Empowering the Under-Resourced — Because many non-Western Christians still suffer the lack of quality biblical resources, we endeavor to prioritize giving them access to these resources.