Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy governs the apps “Lecturas en Hebreo Bíblico”, “Hebrew Readers”, “Praying the Light”, “Prayers of an Excellent Wife”, “Prayers of a Godly Husband”, “Prayers of a Wise Parent”, “Leer Fang”, “Fa d’Ambu Jonas”, “Fang – Milagros – audio” published by Andrew Case Books ([email protected]) and Idiomas GE ([email protected]).
Our Privacy Pledge
When you participate as an app user, your privacy is assured.
- We will not make any personal information available to anyone without your knowledge.
- We will never try to sell you anything – that is not our business. We will never sell your name to anyone else who might want to sell you anything.
- We will not contact you to validate responses. We will never misrepresent ourselves or what we are doing.
- Your use of the app will also be kept confidential and will never be linked to your personal identifying information.
How to Contact Us
If you have any queries relating to this statement, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].
Effective Date
This privacy policy is in effect as of June 21, 2018.