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Communicative Biblical Hebrew – resources and teachers

This page is meant to be a place to unify efforts to spread the communicative biblical Hebrew (CBH) approach. It’s where you can find and share resources with others who are trying to make this method gain more traction in the U.S. and abroad in Bible translation contexts. In order for CBH to become a movement that creates a more significant impact, we want to share freely as many resources as possible, in order to remove friction and minimize the reluctance that so many have because of their traditions of centuries of grammar/textbook-styles of teaching. If you would like to contribute to the free resources on this page, please email them to Andrew Case. If you would like to be listed in one of the categories below, please email Andrew Case and make an introduction.

Who is already teaching this way or has experience in the past?

Dr. Phil King: Course Leader, MA in Field Linguistics, Redcliffe College, Gloucester.
Jesse Scheumann: Professor and founder of Picture Hebrew
Scott McQuinn: Online Hebrew instructor at Veritas press.
Dr. Stephen Dempster: Professor of Religious Studies, Crandall University, New Brunswick
Cam and Valerie Hamm: SIL Cameroon
Bob Carter: The Seed Company

Who wants to be involved?

What resources are available?

Hebrew Bible App with text and audio
PNG training resource page
Tok Ples Hebrew Dictionary and Grammar – Phil King 
Linguistic Reflections on Teaching Hebrew in a Melanesian Context- Phil King
Free graded readers from Bethany Case
Diccionario Hebreo-Tu Idioma y Manual
El Alfabeto y Textos de Reyes
Aleph with Beth free YouTube channel

What resources are needed?

  • Free, high-quality video resources on YouTube and elsewhere, which include closeups of vocabulary items or verbs being acted out in different contexts, and simplified Bible stories being acted out with Hebrew narration and multiple cameras (currently being produced on Aleph with Beth).
  • Free resources such as curricula and teacher’s manuals in the following languages: French, Hindi, Indonesian, Chinese.
  • If you think of anything else, or are working currently on anything else, please let us know on the Google Group below.

Helpful links

Picture Hebrew Videos
Videos of Jesse Scheumann’s TPR Hebrew Classes
Hebrew for the Nations
Jerusalem Center for Bible Translators
Biblical Language Center
Polis: The Jerusalem Institute of Languages and Humanities
Animated Hebrew